Tiger’s Eye Necklaces, Earrings & Gemstone Bead Bracelets
Tiger’s eye necklaces and earrings with tiger’s eye bracelets including quartz crystal bead matching black obsidian in black and various colours.
YAN Black Crystal Bracelet Obsidian & Tiger's Eye Small Bracelet Style
Gothic - Obsidian - Black
£ TBAYAN Black Crystal Necklace Obsidian & Tiger's Eye Long Necklace Style
Gothic - Obsidian - Black

Tiger’s Eye Necklaces, Earrings & Gemstone Bead Bracelets
Tiger’s eye is a fiery gemstone projecting passionate deep emotional tones with warm earth colours that are well matched to obsidian and darker gemstone

YAN Blue Bead Bracelet Aquamarine & Quartz Long Bracelet Style
Ocean - Aquamarine - Blue

YAN Blue Pendant Necklace Aquamarine & Quartz Long Necklace Style
Ocean - Aquamarine - Blue

YAN Pink Blue Necklace Aquamarine & Quartz Long Necklace Style
Maiden's Heart - Aquamarine - Blue

YAN Blue Pink Bracelet Aquamarine & Quartz Small Bracelet Style
Maiden's Heart - Aquamarine - Blue

YAN Blue Necklace Aquamarine & Pearl Small Necklace Style
Ocean - Aquamarine - Blue

YAN Green Blue Bracelet Aquamarine & Strawberry Quartz Small Bracelet Style
Ocean - Aquamarine - Blue

YAN Silver Earrings Aquamarine & S925 Silver Flower Dangle Earrings Style
Ocean - Aquamarine - Blue
Beautiful Tiger’s Eye Jewelry Gemstone
The planet stone for Saturn tiger’s eye jewelry shows a gemstone shining with bands of light and reflecting a brilliant eye read more about this stunning quartz family member
Birth of a Tiger
Tiger’s eye shining with fire is inextricably linked to the formation of the Earth over four billion years ago in the Precambrian age that marked the first seven eighths of our planets early history.
Across four billion years of time the ancient tectonic plates of the upper crust rode across the heated mantle, rising and falling against in each other in a battle of mass and energy driven by the heat of the core.
Thrust deep into the Earth, vestiges of this ancient battle were transformed from their original form, metamorphosing into new more complex minerals forged under tremendous heat and pressure.
Found under ancient mountain cores massive intrusions of these metamorphic minerals flowed slowly upward then – blanketed by the surrounding parent rock – gradually crystallised into larger grained coarse crystal granites and other rocks.
Under the right conditions of alkalinity and environment some of these crystals of granite grew into long needle thread like masses of crystals which are called crocidolite.
In many places on Earth the formation of these crystal deposits would represent the final culmination in a life cycle of a crystal, but tiger’s eye is a special crystal called a pseudomorph.
Tiger’s Eye Secret History
Sometimes within the needle like threads of the crocidolite crystal are to be found the seed materials of quartz that will transform into yet a new crystal, a crystal of tiger’s eye.
With the right conditions these quartz crystal seeds will multiply slowly, converting and altering the fibres of the crocidolite – which itself is in formation – and gradually form a new crystal of tiger’s eye, born from and replacing the existing crystal.
Tiger’s eye’s miraculous journey still preserves the impressions of the parent crystals thread like structures which are visible as fine layered golden lines of colour, as if the cloud bands of the planet Saturn are captured in the crystal.
Perhaps inspired by the lines of light criss crossing the crystal, historians of antiquity labelled this gemstone as the planet stone for Saturn, linking benefit to those wearers who were born under this planet when it was in heavenly prominence.
Cat’s Eye Chatoyancy
Famous for the cat’s eye or “chatoyancy” effect upon the surface, tiger’s eye jewelry displays a remarkable reflective property.
In similar vein to reflections from silk the fine parallel lines of crystal scatter and reflect light unequally, scattering light away from any direction other than perpendicular to the crystal and focusing it more or less directly opposite the crystal, forming a band of light in one plane similar to a cat’s eye.
While faceted stones are often known for beautiful reflections of light, the chatoyancy effect of tiger’s eye is best preserved when rounded into cabochons that align the flat surface of the gem with the bands of threads present in the crystal.
Highly lustrous and silky brown orange in colour this gemstone receives it’s natural colours from the iron atoms bound up within the crystal, perhaps original vestiges of ancient oxidised surface iron from the Precambrian past.
With similar striking reflective properties and multi banded thread like lustre the related – though much rarer – “Hawk’s eye” crystal occurs where quartz has completely replaced the parent threads and there is no significant natural iron colouring present, in this case the crystal preserves the original blue green colour of the crocidolite.
Historical Culture of Tiger’s Eye Jewelry
Rare in distribution but found in commercially viable sources in South Africa and Australia this gemstone has become a well known gemstone to collectors and lovers of colourful fashion around the world.
With strong colouring and confident projection of light this gemstone has been a favourite stone for masculine jewelry where it projects strength, while feminine designs have incorporated tiger’s eye for it’s sensuality and energy in vibrant elemental designs.
Metaphysical writings record this beautiful gemstone as being associated with the zodiac of Aquarius and many cultures believe that under the watchful eye of this crystal it can protect from effects of the “evil eye” – offering similar protection to the blue eyed “nazar” talismans worn in Turkish and Mediterranean cultures.
As with many metamorphic minerals – with their fiery repeated journey through the Earth – this gemstone is associated strongly with heat and flame, filled with energy and projecting power, confidence and courage.
Tiger’s Eye Jewelry Fashion
In difference to precious stones such as diamond and sapphire, tiger’s eye jewellery uses a stone prized for unique patterning and myriad variations, rather than the purity of a single crystal, as such prices are less influenced by the carat size and more so by the overall look.
Larger cabochon pendant necklaces have been historically popular as they best show the striking range of colours when they are simply strung with leather, or more recently set into precious metal mounts and worn together with larger beads.
YAN Jewelry Design
Our own tiger’s eye jewelry designs match tiger’s eye together with sensual obsidian black, balanced by transparent light quartzes in designs that place this beautiful gemstone as an energetic focal centre.
Natural variation of gemstones show ranges of colour varying from rich golden brown to darker intense black which matches well with golden lustre and other lustred obsidian.
Within the golden banding of tiger’s eye natural waves of crystal reflect and play with light drawing the eye and bridging both radiant light quartz crystal and deeply dark obsidian gemstone elements.
Such a dazzling gemstone matches well with outfits for going out and is in no way outdone by sparkling evening dresses and gowns, carrying itself proudly in stylish design.
Included images show tiger’s eye jewelry matches very well to deep burgundy red and stylish silver gold, you can see more fashion designs and outfit ideas in our contrast collection of necklaces and bracelets which also show striking colour ranges.
See more of our tiger’s eye gemstone jewelry in the beautiful tiger’s eye gemstone collection available in store here.