Purple Bracelets, Purple Necklaces & Purple Earrings Gemstone Jewelry
Purple bracelets, purple necklaces and purple earrings gemstone jewelry including S925 silver pendant necklaces with phantom quartz and amethyst in violet purple color.
YAN Moonstone Pendant Necklace Amethyst & Quartz Short Necklace Style
Elegance - Amethyst - Purple
£ TBAYAN Purple Bead Bracelet Phosphosiderite & Lapis Lazuli Long Bracelet Style
Contrast - Phosphosiderite - Purple
£ TBAYAN Rose Pendant Bracelet Phantom Quartz & Citrine 925 Silver Flower Pendant Long Bracelet Style
Floral - Quartz - Purple
£ TBAYAN Purple Amethyst Bracelet Black Rutilated Quartz & S925 Silver Long Bracelet Style
Floral - Amethyst - Purple
£ TBAYAN Purple Pendant Necklace Phosphosiderite & Chalcedony Long Necklace Style
Contrast - Phosphosiderite - Purple
£ TBAYAN Purple Bead Bracelet Phosphosiderite & Chalcedony Long Bracelet Style
Contrast - Phosphosiderite - Purple
£ TBAYAN White Moonstone Bracelet Phosphosiderite & Obsidian Long Bracelet Style
Noble - Phosphosiderite - Purple
£ TBAYAN White Moonstone Necklace Phosphosiderite & Obsidian Long Necklace Style
Noble - Phosphosiderite - Purple
£ TBAYAN Purple Pendant Necklace Amethyst & Quartz Long Necklace Style
Princess - Amethyst - Purple
£ TBAYAN Purple Bracelet Amethyst & Quartz Long Bracelet Style
Princess - Amethyst - Purple
£ TBAYAN Blue Earrings Apatite & S925 Silver Flower Dangle Earrings Style
Princess - Apatite - Purple
£ TBAYAN Purple Bead Necklace Tourmaline & Auralite Long Necklace Style
Lavender - Tourmaline - Purple
£ TBAYAN Purple Bead Bracelet Tourmaline & Auralite Small Bracelet Style
Lavender - Tourmaline - Purple
£ TBAYAN Purple Earrings Tourmaline S925 Silver Dangle Earrings Style
Lavender - Tourmaline - Purple
£ TBAYAN Purple Bead Necklace Quartz & Jade Long Necklace Style
Lavender - Quartz - Purple

Purple Bracelets, Purple Necklaces & Purple Earrings Gemstone Jewelry
These darker coloured pieces showcase natural jewelry with new bohemian styling giving life and energy in modern distinctive style with purple bracelets, purple necklaces and purple earrings drawing from combinations of gemstones including phantom quartz, amethyst and phosphosiderite.

YAN Blue Bead Bracelet Aquamarine & Quartz Long Bracelet Style
Ocean - Aquamarine - Blue

YAN Blue Pendant Necklace Aquamarine & Quartz Long Necklace Style
Ocean - Aquamarine - Blue

YAN Pink Blue Necklace Aquamarine & Quartz Long Necklace Style
Maiden's Heart - Aquamarine - Blue

YAN Blue Pink Bracelet Aquamarine & Quartz Small Bracelet Style
Maiden's Heart - Aquamarine - Blue

YAN Blue Necklace Aquamarine & Pearl Small Necklace Style
Ocean - Aquamarine - Blue

YAN Green Blue Bracelet Aquamarine & Strawberry Quartz Small Bracelet Style
Ocean - Aquamarine - Blue

YAN Silver Earrings Aquamarine & S925 Silver Flower Dangle Earrings Style
Ocean - Aquamarine - Blue
Beautiful Purple Phosphosiderite Jewelry
Colour tones of purple and pink emanate from this precious mineral gemstone, read about phosphosiderite jewelry with photos of our designer jewellery
Phosphosiderite Jewelry
Phosphosiderite is a precious mineral which in recorded history was first discovered as recently as 1858 and can be found amplifying vibrant colour in some of our more vivid designs of necklaces and bracelets.
Rich with lively tones of pink and purple and with a balanced colour range that fully holds it’s own natural tones when matched with gemstones of stronger colours, phosphosiderite, though not often seen in jewelry design, is a beautiful choice that is an embodiment of colourful design vibrancy and life.
Named from the pairing of phosphate and siderite – which is the Greek name for iron, phosphosiderite belongs to the phosphate minerals that include the better known beautiful blue apatite and ocean turquoise which have been prized as precious gemstones for thousands of years.
Natural Mineral
While apatite and turquoise are minerals of calcium and copper respectively, the colour range of phosphosiderite is in thanks to elemental iron which lends red colours that vary from very rare completely transparent gamuts to more common darker red hued pink purple tones.
As an uncommon mineral this semi precious stone is found in smaller quantities than other gemstones such as quartz with it principally being found only as a small portion of much larger parent rocks which are mined in a few places – in the US, Chile and Argentina in the Americas, Germany and Portugal in Europe.
Dazzling purple colours are often found in phosphosiderite which is made up of blends of heavier pink and rose red while lighter violets and blues tinted with pink tones are also sometimes found.
Phosphosiderite is a natural mineral that when found in it’s parent rock often presents as deep purple inclusions, it can be sometimes found alongside turquoise which belongs to the same type of phosphate minerals.
Properties of Phosphosiderite
Though mostly found in opaque form this beautiful gemstone scatters light very well with beautiful colour ranges of purple which when matched to a variety of different gemstones seemingly connects and amplifies the designs overall colour depth.
The most rare forms of phosphosiderite are found as pure transparent crystals with no colouring while equally hard to find single crystals with beautiful rose red tint are found a little more frequently.
Pale yellow streaks in some examples are attributed to a slightly different phosphate of iron and aluminium named cacoxenite which lighten the stronger colours of the parent gemstone and present as wavy lighter waves and ripples.
In metaphysical writings this gemstone is described as a connector of higher energies being able to deepen connections to other high energy frequency gemstones while in our fashion designs phosphosiderite pairs beautifully with many gemstones of deeper colours.
Phosphosiderite Jewelry Fashion
A gemstone with a softer hardness than many crystals it is well suited to being rounded into beads and pendants, phosphosiderite jewelry is often found in the market as smooth cabochons of large carat size set into simple elegant silver settings that emphasise the natural roundness and clear colour tone of the stone.
YAN Jewelry presents phosphosiderite jewelry in a new way with stronger purple colours bridging different colour tones across gemstone ranges in beautiful new design.
Our range of white bead bracelets and necklaces are clearly pure in tone with principal beads of white moonstone projecting elegance and purity.
Paired with beautiful black obsidian central beads these pieces would seem ill suited to match in colour tones but here the colourful range of purple phosphosiderite allows both black obsidian and white moonstone to come together.
In both designs the phosphosiderite beads carefully connect with the deep mystique of obsidian both adding new colourful style vibrancy and lively colour to otherwise monotone presentation of colour.
You can see more of our beautiful obsidian range in store which lists those designs that have used this black gemstone to project differing concepts in each necklace and bracelet where it is found.
With the slightly lighter yellow inclusions of cacoxenite – though typically hardly apparent in our own selected gemstones – the inclusion of yellow petrified chalcedony is a natural fit for a few exclusive designs in our range of necklaces and bracelets.
In the above purple pendant necklace photo with a little help by natural pearl and silver bead the phosphosiderite is well at home matched to the large teardrop pendant of chalcedony.
With deeper tan yellow colours and lighter traces of now mineralized impressions of ancient aquatic life the pendant is a reflection of opposites when compared to the deep natural purple and lighter yellow tracings of phosphosiderite beads.
In the preceding simple purple star bracelet piece our designer balances deep colour range while holding onto a levity of lightness provided by both pearl and the high colour dispersion of phosphosiderite bead.
Belonging to our beautiful contrast and noble essence collections these pieces show how this colourful gemstone can both act to juxtapose different colours in an elegant way and hold together contrasting tones.
These designs among others for this semi precious gemstone can be viewed on our collection page for phosphosiderite jewelry which shows necklaces and bracelets in exclusive new modern styling.
Phosphosiderite jewelry can be seen principally in our colorful contrast collection here and our noble essence collection here where it is found bridging colours in new design, we hope you love reading our gemstone blog articles, this gemstone is a beautiful addition to any collection of fashion jewelry.