Nephrite Jade Necklaces Feature
Green nephrites and jade necklaces matched to stylish bohemian designs with bead bracelets and red necklaces see our feature on jade gemstone jewelry.
YAN Red Bead Bracelet Garnet & Nephrite Long Bracelet Style
Vintage - Garnet - Red
£ TBAYAN Red Pendant Necklace Garnet & Nephrite Long Necklace Style
Vintage - Garnet - Red

Retro Look
Part of our vintage collection of retro look necklaces this matching set shows classic red and green colours set off with some silver floral adornments.

YAN Red Bead Bracelet Garnet & Nephrite Long Bracelet Style
Vintage - Garnet - Red

YAN Red Pendant Necklace Garnet & Nephrite Long Necklace Style
Vintage - Garnet - Red

Nephrite crystal pendant shines in stable green tone matched to classic red orange garnet

Ocean Chalcedony
Striking crystal greys carry scenes of rolling waves under a grey sky helped by the aquatic like impressions patterning the fossilized pendant and central bead.

YAN Crystal Bead Bracelet Moonstone & Chalcedony Long Bracelet Style
Ocean - Moonstone - Silver

YAN Crystal Pendant Necklace Moonstone & Chalcedony Long Necklace Style
Ocean - Moonstone - Silver

Crystal beads of moonstone balance with a fossilized chalcedony pendant

Fashion in Nephrite
In the family of jade the gemstone nephrite has ranges of beautiful colour such as green, pink and purple which can be used in stand out design expressing more of the colour associated with new colourful styling more of which are coming soon.

YAN Butterfly Pendant Bracelet Agate & Peitersite Long Bracelet Style
Little Creatures - Agate - Red

YAN Red Bead Bracelet Garnet & Rhodonite Long Bracelet Style
Canvas - Garnet - Red

YAN Red Bead Bracelet Garnet & Nephrite Long Bracelet Style
Vintage - Garnet - Red

YAN Red Bead Bracelet Agate & Obsidian Long Bracelet Style
Floral - Agate - Red

YAN Red Bead Necklace Agate & Obsidian Long Necklace Style
Floral - Agate - Red

YAN Red Bracelet Vermillion & Amber Jade Long Bracelet Style
Oriental - Vermilion - Red

YAN Red Necklace Vermillion & Amber Jade Short Necklace Style
Oriental - Vermilion - Red

YAN Red Pendant Necklace Garnet & Agate Long Necklace Style
Rainbow - Garnet - Red

YAN Red Pendant Necklace Garnet & Nephrite Long Necklace Style
Vintage - Garnet - Red

YAN Pink Pendant Necklace Garnet & Rhodonite Long Necklace Style
Canvas - Garnet - Red

YAN Red Pendant Necklace Garnet & Pearl S925 Silver Peony Pendant Long Necklace Style
Floral - Garnet - Red

YAN Red Bracelet Garnet & S925 Silver Long Bracelet Style
Floral - Garnet - Red

YAN Silver Bead Earrings Garnet & Pearl S925 Silver Flower Dangle Earrings Style
Floral - Garnet - Red