Egret bird among lotus flowers free hand painting by YAN

YAN Egret bird below pink lotus flowers traditional Chinese painting

Chinese arts paper original work

Inscription reads work of Pan Yan

YAN Egret bird below pink lotus flowers traditional Chinese painting

Of elegant and peaceful poise the Egret stands under the beautiful pink lotus flowers in this peaceful and calming natural scene.

A classic animal of “bird and flower” Chinese traditional painting styles the Egret is a frequent comer to salt water and fresh water habitats, wading in shallow waters upon its lithe and long legs where it feeds upon fish and other small animals.

The density of mature lotus plants with seed pod suggest an area of verdant foliage while the open flowers and large leaves suggest a well lit perhaps summer day, in all this picture generates a great deal of warmth from this scene of natural beauty.

Drawn vertically upon a long length of traditional paper our artist has used the large free hand style with a mineral based black ink to draw out the larger features of lotus plants, while a smaller brush has rendered detail and natural lifelike poise to the egret.

This painting is upon a long sheet of traditional arts paper of white colour and carries a slightly yellow tint as evidenced in the photo which is common to this type of traditional paper.

The complete work is longer in length than this close up photo and includes the bottom portion of the bird not visible in the above photo.

The painting is unmounted though would be sold mounted upon a fabric canvas banner of good quality and suitable to be hung or transported safely.

This work and others displayed in our art gallery are available for purchase directly from the artist through negotiated price please contact us below if you are interested.