Cool winter tree scene traditional Chinese painting

YAN Winter tree classic chinese painting

Chinese arts paper mounted on card original work

Inscription reads year of Ji Hai, writing of Pan Yan

Copse of trees in winter

Suggestive of a winter scene the coolness of fall permeates this peaceful landscape image, a copse of trees stand stout and slender poised to settle into the seasons cold.

With few leaves leafed upon their outstretched branch their bare bark and trunks carry an elegance in this painting drawn in the traditional Chinese free hand way.

Seen in many paintings of the “mountain and water” style, this type of tree has long been drawn in scenes of natural beauty it’s poise bearing a cooler and tranquil vibe of feeling when compared to the warmer emotional tones of “bird and flower“.

Though this scene is but one small vista when compared to more breathtaking large paper drawings of other traditional Chinese painting landscape styles it’s more limited scope focuses more purely on a meaning carried through the simplicity of composition.

Our art blog has a number of articles compiled from assorted texts used by our artists and an assorted collection of works can be seen in our art gallery.

Painted upon a square of yellow tinted arts paper which carries a noteable fibre evident in photo this painting is mounted upon a square of heavier off white card giving a classic feeling to the work.

This work and others displayed in our art gallery are available for purchase directly from the artist through negotiated price please contact us below if you are interested.