Blossoming magnolia welcomes new spring

YAN White magnolia contrasts musa basjoo traditional chinese painting

Chinese arts paper original work

Inscription reads fragrance from white jade written by Pan Yan

Blossoming magnolia welcomes new spring

Carrying rays of new light and welcome warmth the arrival of spring brings new energy and potential for life to the natural world, in this original work a tropical frond of the Japanese banana tree sets off against the verdant new growth of white magnolia in a warm portrait of nature.

Every piece of Chinese traditional painting is an original work, even if inspired by and following the works of past and current great masters, the nature of each brush stroke will set the shape of the form from which the composition of the final piece will grow from, though this piece was followed by the work of the same name in our collection it too is an original work.

In this piece the dark shape of the established branch of magnolia tree serves as a sturdy scaffold upon which the verdant floral growth is attached to – elegant petals of flower confidently contrast the forms of coloured stamen while new blossom eagerly buds forth into the bright light of spring.

As in the other work in our gallery this piece is contrasted against the silhouette of a tropical Japanese banana tree Musa Basjoo frond it’s inclusion in the composition placing the composition into a scene of warm distant tropical paradise.

With a spring bloom appearing before the budding of leaves magnolia is an ancient species of flowering plant preceding the evolution of bees and an early example of pollinating plant, it’s extant and genus are both wide and deep gifting the worlds forests with beautiful sweet fragrant scents and stunning displays of flower since long before many flowering plants.

Our art blog has a number of articles compiled from assorted texts used by our artists and an assorted collection of works can be seen in our art gallery.

This painting is painted upon a lighter traditional Chinese arts paper, slightly off white in colouring and of very slight textile fibre, it is currently not stamped with the artists stamp though would be stamped as such upon purchase.

Though unmounted this work would be sold attached to a fabric scroll suitable for hanging.

This work and others displayed in our art gallery are available for purchase directly from the artist through negotiated price please contact us below if you are interested.