Classic black and white traditional free hand painting

YAN Black and white lotus flower traditional painting

Chinese arts paper original work

Inscription reads year of “Ding You”

YAN Black and white lotus flower traditional painting

Rich gradiated black mineral ink is used to delineate the shapes of the foreground lotus leaves and background lotus flower in this traditional black and white painting by our designer.

Though black and white in tone this painting evokes a warm season of spring as the new flower or the lotus opens towards the bright sun and the younger lotus leaves are seen to be just starting to open while the already open leaf evokes a healthy picture of life and blossoming energy.

A large fine fibre goat or rabbit hair brush is used to define the general form of the lotus leaf. Careful control of the amount of ink absorbed by the brush before painting and the rate it which it is applied to the paper after allows in one stroke the colour gradient and shape of the leaf to be precisely drawn out.

This is followed with a smaller fine brush which completes the details of the leaves structure in finer detail, more details of this technique and others are written in our short art blog articles on the lotus flower in traditional Chinese painting.

Traditional Chinese arts painting has two commonly accepted fields which are free hand writing of the type that is painted by our designer and technique painting.

The free hand painting method uses a series of controlled strokes to “write” out the shapes of what one wishes to be painted through a careful stroke which is similar to Chinese character calligraphy that this art form historically developed hand in hand with.

Of the free hand painting method two styles are prevalent. Small free hand is a smaller more detailed style that can produce results similar to the technique painting method while large free hand is a painting style of broader strokes that could be argued to better represent the concept of the will of the painter flowing into the paper as the larger stroke and smaller total stroke number allow an experienced painter to better freely write out ones will.

Our own designer writes in the larger free hand style which is well represented in this black and white painting with the large brush strokes of the lotus leaves.

This painting is upon a long sheet of traditional arts paper of white colour and carries a slightly yellow tint as evidenced in the photo which is common to this type of traditional paper.

The painting is unmounted though would be sold mounted upon a fabric canvas banner of good quality and suitable to be hung or transported safely.

This work and others displayed in our art gallery are available for purchase directly from the artist through negotiated price please contact us below if you are interested.